My Hollyhock Garden

My Hollyhock Garden
All in Bloom!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 I go. I've been enjoying reading the Blogs of my favorite artists and some "just regular (like me!) romantics" for awhile now, so I think I finally have the courage to express myself in this way...
I AM a hopeless (?) ROMANTIC believing in a kinder, gentler way of life. I love to express myself through my art, decorating my cottage style home, and in my cottage garden. Some of my friends think I'm quite outgoing, but the truth is I'm most comfortable just at home, thinking...dreaming... creating. It's my safe haven - my sanctuary. I hope that this forum will help me to grow as an artist and as a person, and I hope you will help me to do so. My art is so personal to me, I have felt as though I was baring my soul when I've shared it with others. Having the attention on me, was very uncomfortable, although it wasn't from anything negative being said - comments have been so kind.     Sigh...
I just find it so much easier to be anonymous.
In the coming days I hope to share pictures of my artwork, life, home & little garden with you... along with some thoughts, inspirations, and perhaps a few of my recipes too.

Wishing you the sweetest of summer days.

From one gentle heart to another